Carrot Soup

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This goes in the category for Easiest Dinner Ever! This is adapted from the excellent How to Cook Without a Book: Recipes and Techniques Every Cook Should Know by Heart by Pam Anderson which I purchased back in 2000 or 2001. The book did it's job well with this recipe, and a few others. In it, she teaches basic techniques so you only have to substitute ingredients in the correct proportions to get something good.


Carrot Soup
1 large onion, chopped
3/4 lb. carrots, chopped
1/4 lb. fingerling potatoes, chopped
2-3 cloves garlic, chopped
enough chicken broth to cover, I used about 3 cups because my onion was really large.
1/2 cup half-and-half
fresh basil for garnish
salt and pepper to taste

Start the broth warming up to a boil while you chop the veggies. Toss them in as you finish chopping (except for the basil). Bring to a simmer for 10 minutes, or until you can break up the carrots with the back of your spoon.

When the soup is done, add the half-and-half, and use an immersion blender to blend til smooth, or puree in batches in a blender.

Add salt and pepper to taste. (Depending on your chicken broth, you may not need to add any salt.)

Serve with a chiffonade of basil on top.

This makes about 3 servings, and is quite filling. I usually don't add the potatoes, but I didn't have enough carrots to make a pound, and I had the fingerlings so I threw them in with the skin on. The blender makes the soup quite smooth even with the skin on, plus gives you a little extra fiber!

The idea for this recipe is to substitute 1 lb of veggies and the fresh or dried herb of choice to come up with your favorite Cream of XXX soup. The first one I ever tried was carrot, and that's what gets requested all the time, so I actually haven't tried any others. You could use broccoli, cauliflower (you'd have to tie me down to make me eat that, though) butternut squash with ginger, red pepper, really anything you've got. I've made it with beef, vegetable, and chicken stock, and we both prefer the chicken stock version the best. The vegetable stock competes with the carrots, I think. Anyway, this is a great recipe for clearing out the crisper, so give it a try and see if you like it?!

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This page contains a single entry by adnohr published on March 27, 2007 12:00 AM.

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