January 2010 Archives

It's rainy, I want soup.

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I made the Split Pea Soup from the Moosewood cookbook on Sunday, anticipating the rain.  When it was done, I blended it smooth with my hand blender, then added half a ham steak that I warmed up in a skillet and minced. It was so good, and even my daughter loved it. 

That got me on a search for more soup.  Today, I'll make the carrot soup that I posted about before, from How to Cook without a Book.
I happened upon this recipe in a link from today's recipe on Food Blogga:  Italian Chicken and Escarole Soup  I love the idea of a non-meatball version, I can't wait to try it.  Maybe tomorrow if I can find some escarole at the market. 

Even her today recipe sounds wonderful, and I may try that one too. 
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